
Quantum Activism Vishwalayam is envisaged to be a model space for experiential learning and living, founded upon the principles and framework of quantum activism propounded by theoretical physicist Amit Goswami, PhD.

The courses and pedagogy are based upon the solid foundations of science and the essence of the ancient traditions of learning in an ashram while residing with one’s teachers and co-participants. The decade old quantum activism movement, initiated in the U.S. by Dr. Amit Goswami, has now found its permanent home in Jaipur, India, where the world headquarters of the Center for Quantum Activism has been established and a very ambitious plan to establish a global education center, Quantum Activism Vishwalayam (home of the world in Sanskrit), has been launched.

Our Vishwalayam is providing students with professional level transformational training in consciousness and the quantum worldview with an emphasis on quantum living and the exploration of wholeness in their professional pursuits.

Currently, we are recruiting students for our first-year certification program in “Quantum Science and Conscious Leadership.” Before the year is over, we will have a fully developed two-year Master’s program and a three to five-year PhD program in place. First-year certification will count as the base year of both the Master’s and PhD programs for those students seeking an advanced degree.

First-year training will consist of two semesters comprised of both proximity and distance education via the internet.

Students with at least a Bachelor’s degree and professional training, or equivalent, with an interest in one or more of the areas below, are encouraged to apply:

  • Quantum Integrative Medicine and Quantum Integrative Psychology;
  • Quantum Economics and Business; and
  • Quantum Society consisting of the creative arts, humanities, politics, and education.

Finally, we are instituting a fully on-line program for students with special circumstances (such as a parent serving as a child’s sole caretaker or an individual whose poor health restricts travel). Admission to this program will be determined upon a case-by-case basis.

For more information, please contact us via email, phone, or visit our website:

Email: info@amitgoswami.org
Phone: +91 141 462 2555 | +91 87696 38236
Website: http://quantumactivism.org.

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