Quantum Activism is the idea of changing ourselves and our societies in accordance with the principles of quantum physics.
Meet Amit Goswami

Theoretical Quantum Physicist Dr. Amit Goswami is a revolutionary amongst a growing body of renegade scientists who, in recent years, has ventured into the domain of the spiritual in an attempt both to interpret the seemingly inexplicable findings of curious experiments and to validate intuitions about the existence of a spiritual dimension of life. A prolific writer, teacher, and visionary, Dr. Goswami has appeared in the movies What the Bleep do we know!?, Dalai Lama Renaissance, as well as the award winning documentary, The Quantum Activist. (Read More)
Quantum Activism Vishwalayam,
A Transformative Institution of Higher Learning and Living,
Under the Auspices of the University of Technology, Jaipur, India
Is Offering a Two-Year Master’s Program and a
Subsequent Three to Five-Year Doctoral Program in the
Quantum Science of Health, Prosperity, and Happiness
Classes Begin on August 1, 2019
Dear Friends,
I have been waiting for this moment for quite awhile.
I founded the quantum activism movement in 2009 with the idea that quantum aficionados could start taking responsibility for all humanity and begin a journey of transformation of both themselves and the world using the quantum principles of choice or intent, non-locality, discontinuity, and tangled hierarchy. This movement has become quite widespread, and the quantum worldview has been showing signs of traction for some time.
Materialist Science

It's Objective, and It's Scientific

It's Time to Walk Our Talk

“So let’s walk our talk and make brain circuits of positive emotions. We just do it. We practice. Let some of us be good, do good. Be with God some of the time, be in the ego some of the time, and let the dance generate creative acts of transformation. With this resolution, with this objective in mind, I invite you to become Quantum Activists.”
Visit Amit’s Bookstore

The Everything Answer Book
By Amit Goswami, Ph.D.
Goswami’s basic premise is that quantum physics is not only the future of science, but it is also the key to understanding consciousness, death, God, psychology, and the meaning of life. Quantum physics is an antidote to the moral sterility and mechanistic approach of scientific materialism. Moreover, it is the best and clearest approach to understanding our universe. In short, quantum physics is indeed the theory of everything.
In seventeen chapters, Dr. Goswami and his colleagues discuss, among other things, how quantum physics affects our understanding of:
Thoughts, Feelings, and Intuitions;
Karma, Death, and Reincarnation;
God’s Will, Evolution, and Purpose;
The Meaning of Dreams;
The Spiritualization of Economics, Business, Politics, Education, and Society Itself.
This fascinating new book will appeal to a wide array of readers, ranging from those interested in the new physics to those captivated by the spiritual implications of the latest scientific breakthroughs.
Quantum Economics: Unleashing the Power of an Economics of Consciousness
Since the meltdown of the economy, Amit Goswami, PhD, physicist and author, has been focusing on important issues for a New paradigm for economics and business for the twenty-first century, touching upon the important issues of stability and sustainability of the economy and leadership, creativity and ethics in business, and finally offering a way to achieve a revitalized business arena, an economy of sustainability, prevention of economic meltdowns, and, once and for all, eliminating poverty and hunger. A must-read for the businessperson and the consumer! PURCHASE YOUR COPY TODAY!
In Quantum Creativity, Amit Goswami, Ph.D., physicist and author of The Self-Aware Universe, explores human creativity through the unique lens of quantum physics, offering readers a new way to nurture and enhance their own creativity—the ultimate source of joy and fulfillment. Click here to order today.
With a poignant relevance to the problems of our day, this documentary follows Dr. Amit Goswami as he demonstrates how our mistaken views of reality have led to our current environmental, social, economic and spiritual crises as well as the means of correcting these errors via quantum activism. At stake is nothing less than our survival upon the planet. The Quantum Activist is a film for our time. It is a film whose very subject transcends time.
Purchase your copy for $12.99 (plus shipping and handling) by writing to info@amitgoswami.org today!
Quantum Physicist Amit Goswami has co-founded Quantum Economics Business Coaching™ in collaboration with Dr. Jim Alvino — international speaker, trainer, author and business coach. Quantum Economics Business Coaching (QEBC) intends to engage entrepreneurs, business owners, corporations and organizations across all industries and markets to help them implement the principles of Quantum Economics in the workplace. To learn how you can become involved with QEBC, or to schedule a lecture or workshop, write to Dr. Jim Alvino at: jim@QEBusinessCoaching.com, or call: 714-717-9301 or 855-626-4562.